About FNCR

First Nation Communities READ (FNCR) is the Ontario First Nation Public Library Community’s contribution to the reading movement. Launched in 2003 by the First Nations Public Library Community in Ontario with support from the Ontario Library Service, it promotes a community-based approach to reading.

FNCR celebrates the very best of Indigenous literature across Turtle Island. The program encourages family literacy, intergenerational storytelling as well as intergenerational knowledge transmission. FNCR also helps to increase awareness of the importance of First Nation, Metis and Inuit writing, illustration and publishing.

Periodical Marketers of Canada is the national association of magazine and book wholesalers serving thousands of retail newsstands across Canada. Periodical Marketers of Canada was established under federal charter in 1942 for the purpose of furthering the wholesale periodical distribution industry and contributing to the encouragement of reading in Canada.

PMC’s ongoing activities have included funding of a non-profit charitable foundation, the Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Letters, which has contributed to individuals and agencies engaged in the encouragement of literacy and reading in Canada.

PMC sponsors the Indigenous Literature Award for FNCR. Thanks to their generosity and commitment to the spirit of reconciliation, each of the selected title authors receives a $5000 cash award.

For more information about Periodical Marketers of Canada, contact:

Barry Francis telephone: 416-447-7908
Periodical Marketers of Canada cell: 416-876-3204

Frequently Asked Questions

Through title selections, other recommendations, and creators’ tours, in First Nation communities and beyond, First Nation Communities READ:

  • encourages family literacy, intergenerational storytelling, and intergenerational information sharing;
  • increases awareness of the relevance and importance of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit writing, illustration, and publishing;
  • promotes the publication, sharing, and understanding of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit voices and experiences;
  • increases awareness and sales of the titles it honours.

First Nation Communities READ relies on:

  • annual funding from the Government of Canada;
  • coordination support from Ontario Library Service;
  • responsiveness of publishers to the annual call for title nominations;
  • a volunteer jury of First Nation librarians;
  • in-kind support from organizations, including Goodminds.com,
  • the participation of public libraries and broader public.

The First Nation Communities READ jury:

  • reads, assesses, and discusses the nominations;
  • selects the annual First Nation Communities READ title;
  • chooses other titles from among those nominated to also feature on the annual First Nation Communities READ poster;
  • participates in the development of First Nation Communities READ program resources;
  • promotes First Nation Communities READ program participation through communications to the Ontario public library community and conference programming;
  • evaluates the program on an annual basis and make recommendations for ongoing program development.

Here is the approximate timeline for the First Nation Communities READ program:

  • February: call for nominations is released
  • End of March: call for nominations closes
  • April: Ontario Library Service First Nations consultants review submissions and and determine the shortlists for each category
  • May to August: jury members read the shortlisted titles
  • September: juries meet to decide upon selected titles
  • October: First Nation Communities READ award presentation during First Nation Public Library Week
  • November to December:  selected title authors attend virtual and/or live readings.